The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chashak 2023, earlier known as Shiv Shahi, will commence from the 11th of March till the 14th of March live from Jalgaon. The tournament which will see the top districts of Maharashtra go head to head to be crowned champions of the state will be broadcasted Live for the first time on SportVot.
The Kabaddi community in Maharashtra is huge and with serious Kabaddi tournaments lined up for the upcoming months, these are exciting times for the community. One of the most awaited for State level tournaments scheduled in March is the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chashak 2023, set to commence from the 11th of March 2023 straight from Jalgaon. The tournament is going to be a four-day long event with 16 men’s and women’s district teams each participating in the tournament. The tournament is set to celebrate the grassroots kabaddi community and bring out the next big talent from the world of Kabaddi from Maharashtra.
The tournament will host key PKL players such as Arkam Sheikh, Rishank Devadiga, Sanket Sawant, Aakash Shinde, Ajinkya Kapre, and Aditya Shinde as they represent their particular district teams. The tournament is held in affiliation with the Maharashtra State Kabaddi Association and Ministry of Sports and Youth Welfare (Maharashtra) , and has swayed the audience ever since its announcement. The state-level tournament is going to be end-to-end digitized and live-streamed on SportVot, the official digital partner for the Maharashtra State Kabaddi Association. The biggest State level tournament, the ‘70th Maharashtra State Championship’ that took place in December saw the Mumbai Shahar team defeat the Ahmednagar team in the Golden Raid round after the 5-5 tie-breaker round. With the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chashak being the next big State level tournament, all the districts are aiming to get the title and become the champions in Maharashtra.
The 16 participating teams are being divided into four groups of four teams each in both the men’s and women’s categories. The inaugural match for the men’s will be played between Team Mumbai City and Team Amravati from group A, while the same for the women’s category will be played between Team Pune and Team Nagpur. To check out the live action from Jalgaon and follow the best Kabaddi Talent in Maharashtra, stay tuned to the SportVot app